Hove Station Quarter Neighbourhood Briefing

Hove Station Quarter Newsletter January 2024

Major developments are going to happen whether we like them or not, they are ultimately government imposed, but it’s Hove residents with a lot at stake.

A ‘YES’ vote on February 9th ensures the Council legally has to consider the Neighbourhood Plan when
making planning decisions – this is our one-off opportunity, don’t miss it.

The newsletter also describes the importance of two key community hubs, and the development pipeline.

Print off the PDF, or read more here

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Hove Station Quarter logo

Help us define a new identity for Hove Station Quarter

The area around Hove Station is fundamentally changing, in terms of inhabitants, skyline, streetscape, housing, commerce and transport. We’ve created a logo to help ensure the regeneration stays true to the vision. The logo will be used on maps, brochures, newsletters, and official documents. Here are the final two options. Tell us what you think in the comments below..

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What's happening in Hove Station Quarter

Hove Station Quarter Master Plan Animated

What’s happening in Hove? Cranes, cranes everywhere! The creation of a new Hove Station Quarter has begun! Watch this video to get a sense of what the area will soon be like, plus long-term plans and ambitions. Back in 2013, local residents joined a forum and created a neighbourhood plan, to ensure all residents can benefit from the regeneration.

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The forum’s submission on the new MODA application (21st Feb 2020)

The Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum supports this application, albeit reluctantly in the context of a likely maximum 10% affordable housing provision, subject to the satisfactory resolution of the potentially adverse impacts on the local road network of the very high density development proposed. Given the requirements of planning law and national policy guidance, this means that the Council cannot require … Read more


Have Your Say Day Invite 23 March 2019

We are now in the final stages of preparing your Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan and the regeneration of the Hove Station Area is gathering momentum. Come to Honeycroft and have your say about the latest draft of your community-led plan. Let’s ensure the whole is greater than the sum of its parts! Exhibition and handouts of our latest draft policies … Read more

Hove Station Plan design-features-hubs-links

Have Your Say Day Invite – 7 July 2018 – Honeycroft Centre

We are now in the final stages of preparing the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan and the regeneration of the Hove Station Area is gathering momentum. Come and find out how our community-led plan is responding to development pressures and tying it all together to ensure the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Presentations from 13:30 MODA (the … Read more

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Have Your Say Day: Sat 17th Feb 2018 – Honeycroft community centre

Our sixth public Have Your Say Day will take place on Saturday 17th February, at the Honeycroft Centre, Sackville Road (see map below). Come along any time between 11:30 am and 3 pm – to provide feedback on the latest Draft Neighbourhood Plan. including proposed community hubs. There will be a brief talks at lunchtime-ish. 

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Call for major improvements to Hove Station Footbridge

Architect David Kemp is among a number of local businesses and residents calling for more substantial work on the bridge which has fallen into “an appalling condition”. Mr Kemp drew up designs for an improved footbridge and the Neighbourhood Forum has collected hundreds of signatures calling for funding for a new bridge. The footbridge is the major north-south pedestrian link, but it is poorly maintained and the absence of lifts at either end render it unusable for wheelchair uses, totally inadequate for people with disabilities and grossly inconvenient for people with luggage, heavy shopping bags or prams.

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Mountpark’s proposed design for regeneration of Sackville trading estate

Developer Mountpark’s initial proposals for high-density employment, retail and 600 new homes are still at the design stage and are part of a bigger regeneration initiative. The area covered stretches from the Sackville Estate and the old coal yard north of Hove Station to Newtown Road and Goldstone Lane where work by the Hyde Group is already under way. The developer … Read more


New Waste & Minerals Site Plan adopted (February 2017)

The council’s plans for a new Waste & Minerals Site have been adopted (February 2017). They have allocated a nearby site at Sussex House Industrial Area and noted the following:

“Sackville Road and part of Old Shoreham Road, which are in close proximity to the site, are part of the Brighton, Portslade and Rottingdean 2013 AQMA. Waste management uses may not have a materially different effect on the AQMA compared to other industrial uses. However, proposals should consider the potential for issues relating to air quality, including those relating East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Sites Plan – Schedule of Suitable Industrial Estates (Adopted February 2017) to vehicle movements, which may affect air quality. Operators may also wish to consider entering into routing agreements. Where appropriate, suitable mitigation should be provided.”

Read the council’s full site plan: http://consult.eastsussex.gov.uk/

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Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan exhibition 2015

Have Your Say Day – 21st November 2015

The forum’s ‘Have Your Say’ event on Saturday 21st November 2015 was held at Clarendon Villas. This was regarded as very successful anda major step forward for us. We had guest speakers from the council and property developers. We also launched two petitions: on our objections to the council’s plan to earmark the Coalyard as a waste processing facility and on pressing for a permanent solution … Read more

Response to Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan – Industrial Land Use – Outline (January 2016)

Initial Officer Response to Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan – Outline (January 2016) The following comments are provided to help inform the meeting on 22 January 2016 and the options for progressing neighbourhood planning in the Hove Station area: Industrial Land: A planned relocation approach takes time, no quick fixes are readily apparent.  The ability to address the City’s industrial needs … Read more