Results of the assessment of the neighbourhood Plan against a set of sustainability objectives. The purpose is to avoid adverse environmental and socio-economic effects, and identify opportunities to improve the environmental quality of the area covered by the Neighbourhood Plan and the quality of life of residents.
Prepared by AECOM Infrastructure & Environment UK Ltd for Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum (7th November 2018)
“the current version of the HSNP is likely to lead to long term positive effects…
…The Concept Masterplan and Options Study demonstrate that there is the opportunity for significant brownfield regeneration within the Neighbourhood Plan area…
…This has the potential to deliver a significant number of new homes and employment opportunities along with improvements to the public realm and sustainable transport modes, with significant long term positive effects…
AECOM assessment, 2018
The purpose of this Environmental Report is to:
- Identify, describe and evaluate the likely significant effects of the Neighbourhood Plan and alternatives; and
- Provide an opportunity for consultees to offer views on any aspect of the SEA process which has been carried out to date.
The Environmental Report contains:
- An outline of the contents and main objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan and its relationship with other relevant policies, plans and programmes;
- Relevant aspects of the current and future state of the environment and key sustainability issues;
- The SEA Framework of objectives against which the Neighbourhood Plan has been assessed;
- The appraisal of alternative approaches for the Neighbourhood Plan;
- The likely significant environmental effects of the Neighbourhood Plan;
- The measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and as fully as possible offset any significant adverse effects as a result of the Neighbourhood Plan; and
- The next steps for the Neighbourhood Plan and accompanying SEA process.
Determination for Consultation
The 2016 pre-screening report provided an early indication of whether a more detailed HRA assessment is likely to be required for the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan.
Brighton & Hove City Council’s conclusion:
…From the consideration of the local area, sites and issues, this report concludes that a full HRA screening, or full HRA assessment is not required for the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan.
B & H CC
This is based on:
• The Vision and Objectives
• The distance of the Hove Station Neighbourhood Area to the Castle Hill SAC
• The conclusion of the HRA Screening for the City Plan Part 1 (Proposed Modifications)
Read the full report of the council’s view of our Plan – Draft Oct 2016: