sports facilities health and beauty

Policy 10: Community Facilities

Proposals which broaden and enhance the mix of community facilities such as day nurseries, GP surgeries or sports facilities will be encouraged as an essential component to the use mix in the Hove Station Quarter. Such proposals will need to take account of relevant planning policy considerations including traffic/parking and neighbour/amenity impacts. Where proposed developments would lead to increases in … Read more

Map of proposed community hubs in Hove

Policy 11: Community hubs

Four locations within the plan area, around Hove Station, the western end of Conway Street, the northern end of the Sackville Trading Estate and near Stoneham Park, have been identified as suitable for community hubs in which a range of facilities should be located. Proposed locations are: a) close to Hove Station (CH1);b) at the western end of Conway Street … Read more

hove station plan part 1 icon

The Plan (Pt.1 Policies)

Here you will find the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan (HSNP) documents – produced by local residents after extensive community engagement . Part One will be subject to referendum (9 Feb ’24). Our Plan covers the same period as the BHCC City Plan (up to 2030). It develops and elaborates further the strategic framework established by the City Plan for the future development of the Designated Area and will sit alongside the City Plan as the statutory plan for the area. The Neighbourhood Plan is seen by the Forum as providing the policy context for the Hove Station Area Master Plan for the area.

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Sackville Conway Community Hub CH2

Do you want to improve the public realm in front of the Honeycroft centre, create a pocket park near north of St Barnabas Hall or plot footpaths from Poets Corner to Hove Station? Yes? The Sackville Road – Conway Street Community Hub Group needs you! All these organisations and enterprises operate in a run-down environment, yet they provide vital community services and jobs. … Read more

Stoneham-Community-Hub map

Stoneham Community Hub CH3

The School Rd-Portland Rd area needs to be improved to enhance its positive community role. Join the Stoneham Neighbourhood Planning Group and help to shape the future development of Stoneham. Investment will be needed from a variety of sources, in particular from developer contributions – the cash that developers have to pay to the Council for infrastructure to support the … Read more

Help us to Develop Community Hubs in Hove

Help us to Develop Community Hubs in Hove

It is proposed that the Neighbourhood Plan will include a policy for the development of Community Hubs and some sketch schemes to show how these locations can be improved. Several Community Hub Improvement Groups have been meeting to share ideas, develop these schemes and negotiate with developers as they prepare their planning applications to agree public benefit improvements. If you’d like to get involved in these neighbourhood improvement schemes, please visit our next Have Your Say Day or send us an email.

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hove parking problems congestion issues

The Issues

Planning Problems:

The local population is growing much faster than regional and national averages. Our members tell us housing provision is a major issue. The lack of health services and school places also needs to be addressed. Furthermore, the area is severed by a railway line with poor crossings between north and south.

We want to avoid uncoordinated, piecemeal, project-by-project redevelopment that would exacerbate problems with parking and congestion. We want development that does not clash with the conservation areas and heritage architecture (Poet’s Corner, etc).

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Report 2

Hove Station Area – Visual Surveys

In 2016, students from The University of Brighton surveyed Hove Station and surrounding areas – revealing interesting insights  – to inform our neighbourhood plan. Click below to download the full reports in PDF Format (caution: large file sizes). Survey 1: This report is a study of  Hove Stati?on, it uses this small area to look at these larger questi?ons of … Read more


‘Have Your Say’ Day 2013 – Resident Feedback

On 16th February 2013 the Forum held its first ‘Have Your Say’ day at the Honeycroft Centre on Sackville Road. The event was held to share information with the local community on the development plans for the area and explain how a Neighbourhood Forum can influence local planning decisions. We gathered incredibly valuable community feedback at the event (see the data below). 57 residents completed a questionnaire.  45 of those residents provided their name and contact details, signing up to participate in or be kept up-to-date on the Forum’s activities.

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