Our sixth public Have Your Say Day will take place on Saturday 17th February, at the Honeycroft Centre, Sackville Road (see map below). Come along any time between 11:30 am and 3 pm – to provide feedback on the latest Draft Neighbourhood Plan. including proposed community hubs. There will be a brief talks at lunchtime-ish.
The Forum’s ‘big idea’ is that regeneration should not be a piecemeal collection of unconnected developments. Rather, within the framework of a Neighbourhood Plan, it should deliver a new Hove Station Quarter – a linked and integrated series of mixed-use housing and commercial developments – the whole would be greater than the sum of the parts.
This will be a long term process but redevelopment has really got off the ground with Hyde Housing Association’s ‘New Wave’ development of 65 new homes on Newtown Road. But of the 26 ‘affordable units’ only 8 are ‘affordable rent’ (and that is 80% of full market rent) – the rest are shared ownership. Next year the apartments will sell for £350k plus and the town houses for £575k!
Much larger schemes are in the pipeline. Matsim’s redevelopment of the former Furniture Village Warehouse in Conway Street was rejected by the Council last June but this might well re-surface next year. Mountpark will soon be submitting a redevelopment project for the Sackville Trading Estate and the former coal yard. How affordable will the 500 plus homes be ? What will be the mix of housing, commercial, cultural and recreational facilities?
The Neighbourhoood Plan is an opportunity for local people to influence regeneration. Membership of the Forum is free and all those working on the Plan are volunteers. But it costs money to hire rooms, buy exhibition materials, pay for leaflets etc. So we are launching a fundraising project and contributions from members would be very welcome to help us finish the job in 2018.
First of all thank you very much, committee, for your dedicated work and for organising last Sat. ‘Have your say day’. It was very informative but also slightly depressing to learn how much of the housing development is determined by the national government and how little leeway there seems to be. BUT knowing how the government has been cut down everything down to the bone I don’t quite accept that we have to follow all what has been demanded of Brighton / Hove. Would the government really know if instead of the required 1200 flats only e.g. 1000 would be built. We know there are not enough inspectors to check up on regulations – the food scandals, the Greenfell scandal are just 2 examples of such failure. Could we not take this to our advantage?
I am pleased the committee has forged a good working relationship with the council and from Liz’s account I feel the council is very glad of all the input you are giving. This is the only way forward to maybe achieve some positive results within this vast building project. For me the most important thing is to work out a solid long term and comprehensive plan for the infrastructure:
– parking facilities (it is a joke to figure in self-drive cars as solution for our parking problems!)
– road network
– public leisure facilities, sports facilities, play grounds
– youth clubs, football facilities, meeting places for teenagers
– open areas with benches and trees to break up the rows and rows of housing.
– schools (although the birth rate has slowed down temporary this is no guarantee that this trend will con-
tinue. By the time all the houses have been built the picture will probably be very different. Where would
the space be found if schools suddenly would be required
– Hove Park is already now used to its limit where will the people who move into the 1200 flats go and walk
their dogs, take their kids out on skates, cycles and scooters?
– Facilities for older people.
It is easy enough to build a lot of houses, it is a lot harder to build a community.
Thanks for everything you are doing for our Hove neighbourhood,