Regulation 16 Consultation with amendments

iFirst Published: 3 Nov 2022   Updated: 9 Dec 2022    Add a comment

The Neighbourhood Forum has now submitted the amended Basic Conditions Statement to the council, and they have published the revised document for comment.  

In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 (as amended), the Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents will go out to consultation from 00.00 on Thurs 3 November 2022 for 6 weeks until 23:59 on Thurs 15 December 2022

Please note: This consultation is supplementary to the earlier Regulation 16 consultation undertaken from 20 May to 15 July 2021. It focuses only on the Basic Conditions Statement as now amended. All the other Neighbourhood Plan documents remain exactly as published for consultation in May 2021.  

BHCC invites representations on the amended Basic Conditions Statement and any implications for the other Neighbourhood Plan documents (which remain unchanged). Where possible, please provide any comments using the Consultation Portal 

A Word version of the response form is available on request by emailing:  

Paper copies of the consultation documents are available to view at Hove Library and Jubilee Library, Brighton. 

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