Here you will find the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan (HSNP) documents – produced by local residents after extensive community engagement . Part One will be subject to referendum (9 Feb ’24). Our Plan covers the same period as the BHCC City Plan (up to 2030). It develops and elaborates further the strategic framework established by the City Plan for the future development of the Designated Area and will sit alongside the City Plan as the statutory plan for the area. The Neighbourhood Plan is seen by the Forum as providing the policy context for the Hove Station Area Master Plan for the area.
Isn’t neighbourhood planning just a tool for those who want to block development?
In a word, no! Neighbourhood planning enables communities to shape the development of their local area in a positive way. With over 260 plans now in force, early findings suggest that when communities get a say over how their area is developed they recognise the benefits that appropriate development can bring. A community can approve the same or a greater … Read more