Letter from Robert Davidson (Principal Planning Officer, Policy, Projects and Heritage)
Dear Consultee,
Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation
Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum has prepared a Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan sets out a vision for the future of the Hove Station Neighbourhood Area and includes planning policies which will be used to help determine planning applications locally. The Neighbourhood Forum previously undertook Regulation 14 public consultation on the draft Plan in 2019.
In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 (as amended), the Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents have been submitted to the council and will be available for consultation for 8 weeks from 9am on Thursday 20 May 2021 until 11:59pm on Thursday 15 July 2021.
Where to view the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents
- Copies of the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available to view on the Council’s website https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/hove-station-neighbourhood-plan
- Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions unfortunately the documents cannot be made available in deposit locations.
- If you have difficulty accessing any of the consultation documents or submitting comments through the Council’s consultation page, please contact us via email: neighbourhoodplanning@brighton-hove.gov.uk
How to make your comments on the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents
- Please provide any comments using the Council’s consultation page using the following link https://consultations.brighton-hove.gov.uk/planning/hove-station-neighbourhood-plan-submission
- A MS Word version of the response form is available on request from neighbourhoodplanning@brighton-hove.gov.uk
Kind regards
Robert Davidson
Principal Planning Officer, Policy, Projects and Heritage