One of the community-led policies dealing with aspects of new development, including heights, access, street level design and landscaping. These policies aim to transform run down brownfield sites almost totally devoid of greenery into modern urban neighbourhoods, characterised by green public open space trees.
Design proposals should make good use of land and create high quality, well landscaped spaces including as appropriate public art. Strong emphasis should also be placed on the design of the street environment to achieve a high-quality public realm, with a strong emphasis on planting. The design of new schemes should include, or make provision for, significant numbers of trees, including street trees.
1. Development proposals within the DA6 part of the Neighbourhood Plan area should provide opportunities to bring nature into the city by substantially increasing the amount of green space in the area (horizontally and vertically).
2. Proposals which create new pedestrian and cycle links as green corridors through the area, connecting pocket parks and other open space will be supported. Where possible, opportunities should also be provided for local food growing and physical activity.

3. Where practicable, developments will be required to incorporate onsite green infrastructure, landscaping and tree planting (including street trees) as an integrated part of the overall design. Planting needs to be planned from the outset of a design to ensure sufficient space is allocated to trees. As an alternative to street tree planting developers may provide equivalent vertical or horizontal greening up solutions*. Developers will be expected to provide a plan for the maintenance of such greening up and tree planting which would be appropriately funded from S106 contributions.
In addition, developer contributions to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will be used to fund off-site tree planting, including street trees. Within the Hove Station Quarter (DA6 area), the plan sets an objective to plant 1 street tree per residential dwelling or 1 per 100m2 of non-residential floor space.
4. Where larger developments are proposed, designs which demonstrate that priority has been given for architectural solutions which break up the bulk and add visual interest to such developments will be supported.
5. Larger residential development proposals should include plans for public landscaped areas to provide for play and breakout both north and south of the railway. This provision should take the form of pocket parks in the Community Hubs at each end of Conway Street as well as in the Sackville Trading Estate area on redevelopment. Potential locations are indicated in Figure 6 in this Plan, and in the Hove Station Area SPD. These locations will be subject to the recommendations of the Hove Station Master Plan work.

6. All residential proposals will be expected to have regard to the need to provide private amenity space, landscaping and communal areas to enable informal play/social interaction.
7. Taller development needs to ensure a high level of amenity and visual and environmental interest at street level to help contribute to the vibrancy and overall attractiveness of the Hove Station Quarter.
8. Development should ‘front’ the street, in order to create active frontages, greater natural surveillance and enhanced safety. In the DA6 area, proposals which provide for enhanced permeability through the creation of new routes will be supported.
* One example is a green wall, which is a building facade or other internal or external wall intentionally covered with vegetation for aesthetic or functional purposes.