Four locations within the plan area, around Hove Station, the western end of Conway Street, the northern end of the Sackville Trading Estate and near Stoneham Park, have been identified as suitable for community hubs in which a range of facilities should be located. Proposed locations are:
a) close to Hove Station (CH1);
b) at the western end of Conway Street (CH2);
c) at the northern end of the Sackville Trading Estate (CH4);
d) close to Stoneham Park.
as indicated in Figure 6 in Part ONE of the Plan. It is expected that development will direct appropriate uses to these areas.
Additional retail activities associated with the provision of the community hubs located within nearby defined local shopping centres/defined important local parades will be supported. These areas are also prime candidates for an improved public realm.

Find to more about the development of each Community Hub area:
CH4 – To be included in the redevelopment of the Sackville Trading Estate