Movement & Connectivity

Summary of draft policies to ease traffic around the Hove Station Quarter

UPDATE: In 2017, we published draft policies and invited people to comment (see bottom of page). After many years of further consultation with the public and the council, the final policies were published in 2023. Here you will find links to the latest policies, and below are the old drafts for reference.




New development means more traffic pressure. The road network around Hove Station needs to be improved. We need to balance the flow of additional traffic with the needs of local residents and businesses. 

  • Relieve pressure on major junctions and better circulation south of the railway
  • Easily accessible on foot and by cycle
  • Traffic calming measures to avoid rat runs
  • 20mph speed limit on shared surfaces and a lower speed limit on small sections of private roads
  • Good connectivity is key to the success of the area. We need an attractive station with easy access
  • Well designed connections between north and south of the railway
  • Improved east-west permeability
  • Linkages need to be prepared and land / funding made available
playful pedestrian-crossing

Near Hove Station:

  • Improving connections around the railway
  • Upgrade or rebuild Hove station footbridge to accessible standard
  • New footbridge across the railway to the station car park
  • A wide sweep of steps from the station area

30. Buses & pedestrian safety:

  • Open up Fonthill Road / Goldstone Lane southwards to allow better bus circulation
  • Fonthill Road under the railway tunnel, with access for pedestrians and cycles only
  • The continuation of the segregated cycleway along Old Shoreham Road
  • Add footway provision (such as by the petrol station off Station Approach)
  • Safe pedestrian crossing outside Hove Station for visually impaired.

These improvements are essential for containing the potentially negative impacts of new development.


What do you think? Send us an email or post your comments below…

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5 thoughts on “Movement & Connectivity”

  1. Blocking Fonthill Road at the railway tunnel will force even more traffic onto Newtown Road and Wilbury Avenue to the detriment of residents. I therefore would oppose this proposal.

    • Actually Paul I don’t agree with you. The whole of the area North of the railway line is a high traffic area because the railway tunnel is open to traffic so you have traffic coming from Goldstone Villas and Sackville Road from the South and traffic coming from the Old Shoreham Road, Goldstone Crescent and The Drive from the North with much of it converging on the junction of Fonthill Road, Newtown Road and Wilbury Avenue. If the railway tunnel is blocked to traffic the whole of the areas North and South of the railway line benefit as North/South cut through traffic is eliminated. The Northern area becomes limited to residential traffic, approaches to the North of the station and existing traffic cutting through from the Drive to the Old Shoreham Road and vice versa on New Town Road and Wilbury Avenue. I can’t see closure of the tunnel doing anything other than reducing traffic to the area and it certainly has my support.

  2. Sorry this seems like a totally stupid idea. Traffic will still need to go both north and south of the railway lines, and there are scant crossing places already, add to that the fact that Sackville Road will be considerably busier due to the dramatic redevelopment and increase in homes (delivery vehicles alone will account for considerable traffic), why is taking a crossing point away going to anything other than add to misery elsewhere?

  3. I don’t know if this has come up on this forum before, but I think access to Hove Station for the people of Hangleton is very poor and needs to be much improved.
    If travelling by bus 5/5a/5b the nearest available bus stop for Hove Station is currently outside the Salvation Army hall and hope that they’ve left the gates open so you can cut through into Conway St. negotiating yet another set of steep steps near the pub outside Hove Station. Not easy with a suitcase. In the new Sackville Road development, will there be pedestrian access from the Hove Park Tavern bus stop into Newtown Road so that Hove Station may be approached from the northern side? It would make the walk a little shorter and cut out 2 sets of steep steps. I think it’s really important to improve access to the stations for the people living in Hangleton. Both Aldrington and Portslade have very little parking and no bus service to them. More needs to be done to improve pedestrian and cycling access for the people living to the north of these stations.

  4. All these comments demonstrate the need for a new area wide traffic management scheme as proposed in the Neighbourhood Plan, The Forum has campaigned for this for many years – not least at a meeting with the Chair of the BHCC Transport committee and the Director of transport. As reported in our Newsletter 4 December 2023 they agreed to a establish a joint working group. With a succesful Referendum we will take them up on this next month

    Mike Gibson, Chair of Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum


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