‘Have Your Say’ Day 2013 – Resident Feedback

Development issues

On 16th February 2013 the Forum held its first ‘Have Your Say’ day at the Honeycroft Centre on Sackville Road. The event was held to share information with the local community on the development plans for the area and explain how a Neighbourhood Forum can influence local planning decisions. We gathered incredibly valuable community feedback at the event (see the data below). 57 residents completed a questionnaire.  45 of those residents provided their name and contact details, signing up to participate in or be kept up-to-date on the Forum’s activities.

Your feedback

The graphs below illustrate the most frequently mentioned comments or issues (and how often they were mentioned).

Q1. What community facilities would you like to see in the Development Area?

  • ‘Effective movement’ means effective movement of vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.  Comments related to this subject were grouped under this heading.

Q2. What would you not like to see in the Development Area?

  • Particular retail type – a number of respondents commented that they would not like to see supermarkets or betting shops included in the development.

Q3. What are your priorities for the Development Area?

Hove_Station_development_priorities chart
  • ‘Effective movement’ means effective movement of vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.
  • ‘Retaining positives’ means retaining positive aspects of the area.

Q4. What are your concerns regarding the Development Area?

Hove_Neighbourhood_concerns chart
  • Respondent’s mentioned noise and pollution as two examples of a negative impact on the local area.

Q5. What do you like about your neighbourhood?


Q6. What would you like to change about your neighbourhood?

[ insert chart ]

How will this feedback be used?

The main objective of the Forum is to produce a Neighbourhood Plan.  If the Plan is supported by the community at a Referendum, it will become a statutory document and will have a real influence in how our neighbourhood develops.

A number of working groups have been formed to take forward the key issues/areas of the Neighbourhood Plan.  These are:

  • Transport & Movement
  • Local Businesses and Jobs
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • Housing and Regeneration
  • Sustainability/Green Neighbourhoods
  • Schools & Community Facilities
  • Communication & Community Engagement.

The first job of the working groups is to gather ‘evidence’ of what currently exists in the neighbourhood.

The next step is to identify some key themes, aims and objectives for the Neighbourhood Plan.

All the comments from the questionnaires will be shared with the working groups and incorporated into this work.

What other opportunities will I have to share my views?

Local residents, businesses and partners will be asked for feedback on the draft themes, aims and objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan, produced by the working groups, at a future ‘Have Your Say’ event.

You will also be consulted on the draft plan once it is written.

In addition, the Forum will be consulting with different groups in the community so we ensure we are listening to the views of a broad spectrum of people.

How else can I get involved?

All local residents, businesses and partners are welcome to join a working group (giving as little or as much time as you are able).  Your input would be very welcome.

If you’re interested in joining a group, please send us an email

Transport & MovementStuart Croucher
Fonthill Rd resident 
Local Businesses & Jobs contact
Conservation & HeritageValerie Paynter
Clarendon House resident
Housing & RegenerationJim Roberts
Fonthill Rd resident
Sustainability/Green NeighbourhoodsJon Turner
Wilbury Avenue resident
Schools & Community FacilitiesDora Taylor
Shirley St resident
Communication & Community EngagementJo Shaw
Fonthill Rd resident

May 2013

6 Location

Brighton and Hove, England, BN3 3WR, GB  Browse all articles by location →

2 thoughts on “‘Have Your Say’ Day 2013 – Resident Feedback”

  1. I think this area needs a school with a green field outside playing area and or sports facilities.
    Also I have noticed that there are more and more after school clubs and groups. How about a some sort of secure but open facility that could help small businesses like that set up and keep kids interested in a whole range of after school activities. There are allot of small businesses that could rent a purpose built room that could house much of the equipment that they need and so helping keep there overheads low.
    That’s Education, Child Care, and Small business enterprise covered in one go.
    Part of the facilities could also be rented by other small businesses that can’t afford offices but need small business facilities from time to time. A place to have meetings and free internet access etc.

    Just a thought.. 😉


    Hi, I’m helping with to develop an energy plan for the Sustainability and Green Neighbourhoods group.

    Did you know that through the Energy Company Obligation ECO that our vulnerable residents can easily apply for funding for heating system upgrades and energy efficiency support:

    Do you know anyone who is struggling to pay their energy bills or whose homes are cold?

    Residents can apply if they are in any of the following catageries:

    Pension credit (not basic state pension)
    Child tax credit (relevant income under £15,860)
    Any of the following where child under 16 (20 if in full time education)
    Income support
    Income based job seekers allowance
    Income related employment and support allowance
    Working tax credit

    Contact http://www.bhesco.co.uk for more information
    BHESCo is a not for profit community energy services company serving residents in Brighton & Hove

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