
The forum’s submission on the new MODA application (21st Feb 2020)

The Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum supports this application, albeit reluctantly in the context of a likely maximum 10% affordable housing provision, subject to the satisfactory resolution of the potentially adverse impacts on the local road network of the very high density development proposed. Given the requirements of planning law and national policy guidance, this means that the Council cannot require … Read more

Area wide linkages - Hove Station Quarter

Policy 1: Creation of the Hove Station Quarter

Development proposals in the area compromising DA6 in the City Plan Part One will be supported if they demonstrate a comprehensive and integrated approach supporting the creation of Hove Station Quarter with a strong relationship to the station. [Hove Station Area SPD18 provides development management guidance and is supported by relevant Neighbourhood Plan policies]. City Plan DA6 will be suitable … Read more

photo of goldstone-retail-park

Policy 2: Goldstone Retail Park

In the event that the Goldstone Retail Park site becomes available for redevelopment, proposals for mixed use residential and employment use will be supported. See Fig.7, zone P2 Reason: This substantial area of land has the potential to make a substantial additional contribution to the city’s housing need, whilst retaining or increasing the current amount of employment generated on site. It … Read more

Policy 3: Conway St Bus Depot

Policy 3: Conway St Bus Depot

Proposals for redevelopment and/or rationalisation of the current bus depot to provide or incorporate residential and employment uses will be supported as part of a comprehensive redevelopment of the area of DA6 south of the railway. Redevelopment proposals for the site which provide improved access to Hove Station, and which would essentially be car-free, will be supported.See Fig. 7, zone … Read more

Hove Conway Ellen area

Policy 4: Land South of the Railway

Comprehensive redevelopment of land south of the Railway will be supported, taking account of guidance provided in the adopted Hove Station Area SPD. Development should be mixed use residential and employment and should have regard to existing and emerging development proposals elsewhere within the SPD area. Any further development in this area over and above permissions already granted should severely … Read more

Hove Gardens housing mix with small gardens

Policy 5: Housing Mix and Tenure

Proposals for residential development in the neighbourhood area which comply with relevant policies for residential development in City Plan Part 1, including Policies CP14, CP19 and CP20 will be supported. A mix of rented accommodation, both social and private, and accommodation for owner occupation will be sought across the DA6 area. Within the DA6 area, proposals incorporating residential development which … Read more

tall buildings policy in hove Ethel Clarendon Livingstone

Policy 9: Tall buildings

Building heights in DA6 will be consistent with the Neighbourhood Plan vision of a high-density station quarter of an urban character compliant with City Plan Policy CP12, the accompanying Urban Design Framework SPD and Hove Station Area Masterplan. New tall buildings should have regard to and respect existing buildings and planning permissions already granted, taking account in particular of the … Read more


What difference can the Neighbourhood Plan make ?

When compared with the Council’s ‘business as usual’ approach of dealing with developers on a project-by-project basis, the Neighbourhood Plan can get a better deal to improve our local community. For instance, our neighbourhood plan will: create a framework for development to deliver a new Hove Station Quarter – straddling the railway. The major landowners have bought into and support … Read more

Hove Housing Futures meeting

Wed, Nov 21, 20:00 – 21:30 St Lukes Prestonville, Brighton For further info see: Please note that this housing meeting is organised by Jackie Quinn, Labour councillor for Goldsmid ward. The Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum itself, however, is a non-political organisation. 


The Plan (Pt. 2 Aspirations)

Neighbourhood Plan Part Two is a cohesive plan of what we want to happen ‘on the ground’. It is an advocacy/bidding document which the Forum and other neighbourhood groups will be able to use – alongside Part One (the statutory NP) – to attract both public and private investment in the area which will deliver public benefit and help the move towards a sustainable neighbourhood. These proposals will not … Read more


Isn’t neighbourhood planning just a tool for those who want to block development?

In a word, no! Neighbourhood planning enables communities to shape the development of their local area in a positive way. With over 260 plans now in force, early findings suggest that when communities get a say over how their area is developed they recognise the benefits that appropriate development can bring. A community can approve the same or a greater … Read more