When compared with the Council’s ‘business as usual’ approach of dealing with developers on a project-by-project basis, the Neighbourhood Plan can get a better deal to improve our local community. For instance, our neighbourhood plan will:
- create a framework for development to deliver a new Hove Station Quarter – straddling the railway. The major landowners have bought into and support this vision,
- maximise affordable housing:
- short term: as per the current government definition of 80% market value,
- longer-term: require provision of genuinely affordable social housing in the Conway Street area, not least on council owned land,
- require developers to provide a network of walking & cycling routes,
- require easy access to our excellent public transport facilities,
- additionally, press the Council to increase restrictions on parking in neighbouring streets,
- require developers to deliver major improvements in the public realm -as illustrated by the Matsim proposal for Conway Street,
- require the provision of pocket parks, green roofs and off-site tree planting in an area currently devoid of greenery, and lastly,
- maximise the investment of developer funds (Section 106 and the Community Infrastructure Levy – CIL) in our Community Hubs in order to improve our local community facilities.
See the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan Aspirations (Pt 2) >