
What is a Concept Plan?

A concept plan is a flexible plan – drawn up by urban design specialists and the local community – which can under go many changes before becoming a master plan. See our Concept Plan for the Hove Station Quarter, incl. Newtown, Sackville and Conway area. If you are interested in regeneration, and have ideas or expertise with regards to traffic flow, … Read more

What is a Design Code?

A design code provides detailed design guidance for a site or area; they prescribe design requirements (or ‘rules’) that new development within the specified site or area should follow. They can include requirements for built form (e.g. setting out a range of building types and how buildings should interact with the street), landscape, open space, and movement (e.g. access and … Read more

Guidance and Resources for Neighbourhood Planners

What Funding, Guidance and Support is available to make a neighbourhood plan?

Guidance We have a great collection of links to expert resources and support networks Funding The Government has allocated over £23m between 2018 – 2022 to support the development of neighbourhood plans or neighbourhood development orders across the UK. We have received technical support from urban design specialists, AECOM to develop a Concept Plan for the Hove Station Quarter. Our … Read more

Do neighbourhood plans have to be evidence based and deliverable?

Yes, neighbourhood plans must have appropriate regard to national policy, including the National Planning Policy Framework and any evidence requirements set out in this. The Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum is abiding by the legal requirements and we are collecting appropriate, proportionate and up-to-date evidence to support our policies. We’re also reaching out to the community to gather feedback through workshops and … Read more

HSNP neighbourhood plan logo

The Plan (Introduction)

Developers want to make big changes in the Hove Station area. This is a community-led response to make sure the infrastructure can cope. We are creating policies & projects promoting comprehensive regeneration to ensure the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

City Plan Development Areas

Who owns Hove Station Development Area 6 ?

Hove Station Neighbourhoods Forum is doing research to find out land ownership in DA6. Why are we doing this? Because the companies that own the land will have a massive influence on how our area changes. The Forum needs to move to a position of having a working relationship with landowners and developers such as KAP Motor Group, Matsim, Mountpark etc.