City Plan Development Areas

Who owns Hove Station Development Area 6 ?

Hove Station Neighbourhoods Forum is doing research to find out land ownership in DA6. Why are we doing this? Because the companies that own the land will have a massive influence on how our area changes. The Forum needs to move to a position of having a working relationship with landowners and developers such as KAP Motor Group, Matsim, Mountpark etc.


‘Have Your Say’ Day 2013 – Resident Feedback

On 16th February 2013 the Forum held its first ‘Have Your Say’ day at the Honeycroft Centre on Sackville Road. The event was held to share information with the local community on the development plans for the area and explain how a Neighbourhood Forum can influence local planning decisions. We gathered incredibly valuable community feedback at the event (see the data below). 57 residents completed a questionnaire.  45 of those residents provided their name and contact details, signing up to participate in or be kept up-to-date on the Forum’s activities.

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Brighton & Hove City Plan Question Time Debate 31.05.2012

Generating Future Investment for Our City
Brighton & Hove City Plan Question Time Debate, held at Brighton College by Centurion Group and Sprunt, in association with Brighton & Hove Economic Partnership. The debate is based on the regeneration and development aspects of the draft City Plan, as part of Brighton & Hove City Council’s public consultation period.

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