After five years of hard work, eight Have Your Say days and countless workshops, we’ve finally reached the Regulation 14 stage! This is your chance to see a very polished draft of the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan and let us know what you think. There are lots of ways to provide feedback, either online, on paper or in person. Read on for details…

Consultation extended
New deadline: 11 May 2019

The Plan is made up of two parts. Part One, the statutory part, sets out background, vision and proposed policies for the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan Area. Part Two contains the aspirations by the Hove Neighbourhood Forum that cannot be part of a statutory planning document. We have also produced a short summary covering the essential elements.
How to Have Your Say
As part of the Regulation 14 Consultation process, we now invite comments on the draft plan. Please clearly indicate which policy or paragraph you are commenting on. The deadline for feedback is midnight, 11th May, 2019.
Make an Official Response using the Form
If you cannot complete the form online, you can also make an official response by downloading the form, filling it in digitally or by hand, then send back to with the subject “Reg 14 FEEDBACK”. You can send by email or post.
Respond at Public Events
We’re also running a series of drop-in sessions and workshops, check the events page for details
Saturday 23rd March – 12-4pm
Have Your Say Day at Honeycroft Centre
Thursday April 24th
Hove Civic Development Forum 7pm Courtlands Hotel –
presentation by MODA of their proposals for the Trading Estate and former Goods Yard
Friday 26th April and 3rd May 1.30- 2.30 & 5.30 -6.30pm
Drop-in Sessions at Vallance Community Centre, Sackville Rd
Tuesday April 30th 7.15pm Ralli Hall
Community Hub 1 Hove Station – focussing on the commercial area, the footbridge and the Conservation Areas
Wednesday May 1st, 6.45pm – 8.00pm
Vallance Community Centre Sackville Road
Housing and Developers’ Section 106 financial contributions with Debra May, Principal Planning Officer Brighton & Hove City Council.
Where to view the Plan

For submissions by post please write to:
Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum,
c/o 40 Fonthill Road,
Hove, BN3 6HD
Please note that any personal details you provide regarding this consultation may be shared with Brighton & Hove City Council. You can view the privacy policies here: B&HCC privacy policy | HSNF privacy policy.
See the official consultation response form for full details.
After the consultation period the Forum will produce a summary of comments received and the responses by the Forum.
When assessing our Plan, please be aware of the constraints and Basic Conditions of a Neighbourhood Plan. Our Plan cannot contradict the City Plan or national policy.
How to Make a Public Comment
If you just want to make a quick informal, public comment or observation about the Plan, you can comment publicly at

Once it has gone through a number of consultation steps, the Plan will be subject to a local referendum where the question will be:
Do you want Brighton & Hove City Council to use the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area?’
We want to ensure there are no surprises before this referendum, so please take a look at the full plan or the summary and tell us what you think. You may also want to check our Frequently Asked Questions, or send us an email with any queries.
Nigel Richardson
Chairman, Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum