Survey: Your Plan, Your Say

Everyone who lives or works in the designated area is free to participate in this final consultation by the Forum. Please use this feedback form to help us perfect the Plan before the referendum on PART ONE of the Plan.

Simply skip to the sections that concern you. You’ll be emailed a copy of your response and you can edit it afterwards if you missed anything.

The form includes all the essential info and a chance to tell us what you think. If you need more details, simply follow the links in the form or download a copy of the Plan here:

Click on the grey “Next” button to fill in this feedback form online. If you cannot see the “next” button, you may need to use the scroll bars on the side of the form or click here to enlarge. Alternatively… if you know of anyone who cannot access a computer, tablet or smartphone and needs a printable version of this form, you can download a basic form here.