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Have Your Say Day Invite – 7 July 2018 – Honeycroft Centre

We are now in the final stages of preparing the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan and the regeneration of the Hove Station Area is gathering momentum. Come and find out how our community-led plan is responding to development pressures and tying it all together to ensure the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Presentations from 13:30 MODA (the … Read more

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The Plan (Pt.1 Policies)

Here you will find the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan (HSNP) documents – produced by local residents after extensive community engagement . Part One will be subject to referendum (9 Feb ’24). Our Plan covers the same period as the BHCC City Plan (up to 2030). It develops and elaborates further the strategic framework established by the City Plan for the future development of the Designated Area and will sit alongside the City Plan as the statutory plan for the area. The Neighbourhood Plan is seen by the Forum as providing the policy context for the Hove Station Area Master Plan for the area.

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Hove Station Community Hub – CH1

Hove Station is a major transport hub that has had very little investment for many years.  The area includes shops, small businesses, cafés, bars and pubs and is badly in need of a major environmental public realm uplift. The Forum is proposing to establish a community hub in the immediate vicinity of the Station premises. If you’re interested in joining the Hove Station Improvement group and/or helping with petitions and getting the local businesses involved please get in touch.

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Article in Brighton and Hove News about the Forum’s “Have Your Say Day”

The Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum is holding a “Have Your Say Day” to share updates on plans to build almost 1,000 homes in the area.

It is the sixth feedback day to be organised by the group and will include information about schemes at the top of Sackville Road, in Newtown Road and Ellen Street.

The forum said that its “big idea” was that regeneration should not be a piecemeal collection of unconnected developments.

Rather, within the framework of a “neighbourhood plan”, it should be co-ordinated, delivering a new Hove Station Quarter and other “community hubs”…

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Have Your Say Day: Sat 17th Feb 2018 – Honeycroft community centre

Our sixth public Have Your Say Day will take place on Saturday 17th February, at the Honeycroft Centre, Sackville Road (see map below). Come along any time between 11:30 am and 3 pm – to provide feedback on the latest Draft Neighbourhood Plan. including proposed community hubs. There will be a brief talks at lunchtime-ish. 

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Review of our Have Your Say Day – March 2017

The forum held a successful “Have Your Say” Day on Saturday 18th March at St Barnabas Church, Sackville Rd.  The public meeting was attended by a wide section of the community – over 120 attendees – who provided over 40 pages of valuable feedback to guide the creation of our Neighbourhood Plan. Subscribe now to ensure you are notified about our next event. Photos and … Read more

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Come to our “Have Your Say” Day, Sat 18th March 2017

Come along to our “Have Your Say” Day : a public meeting, exhibition, discussion and as a special guest, there will be a presentation by Mountpark who will talk about their plans to redevelop part of the Sackville area. Saturday 18th March 11–3 pm St Barnabas Church, Sackville Rd corner with Coleridge St or Byron St See below for details HSNF Newsletter … Read more

Image of Ralli Hall

AGM  Thursday 9th March 2017

Annual General Meeting of the Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum Review of the past year Election of officers and other members Agenda Chair’s Presentation Minutes Ralli Hall, Denmark Villas 9th March 2017   7.30pm View minutes from our AGM and committee meetings  

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Important events in March 2017

We are holding two important public events in March 2017 our Annual General Meeting on Thu 9th March and our ‘Have Your Say Day’ on Sat 18th March 2017 Come along and find out more. Check out our newsletter for the details > Hope to see you there! Robert.

HSNF Have Your Say Day 2016

Have Your Say Day July 2016

We held another Have Your Say Day on Sunday 3rd July at Ralli Hall. Local residents had the chance to speak to forum members, council officers and fellow neighbours. Of course, the main point of discussion was the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. Questions were asked, including what the impact be of the proposed developments would be, including the look of the urban landscape, affordable homes, traffic etc.

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Hove station bridge

Hove Station footbridge improvement petition February 2016

We’re asking everyone to sign the online petition “Hove Station footbridge improvement“.

​The Hove Station Bridge is continuing to deteriorate. It is unsightly and not effectively cleaned. The absence of lifts makes access to the station from the north side of the railway extremely difficult for people with disabilities and makes using the bridge difficult for people with young children and people carrying heavy luggage or shopping.   ​

​Members​ and supporters of ​the ​Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum and local residents urge the Brighton and Hove Council to ​:​

  • improve the standard of cleanliness of the footbridge
  • identify and implement any short term measures which will improve the appearance of the footbridge
  • establish the most appropriate longer term action needed – either major refurbishment or replacement with lift provision
  • secure funding from a combination public sector sources and the developer contributions generated by successive major redevelopment projects which will be starting in the vicinity of the bridge next year.

​We launched this petition at our Have Your Say event in November last year and now we are launching it on the 38degrees website.

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Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan exhibition 2015

Have Your Say Day – 21st November 2015

The forum’s ‘Have Your Say’ event on Saturday 21st November 2015 was held at Clarendon Villas. This was regarded as very successful anda major step forward for us. We had guest speakers from the council and property developers. We also launched two petitions: on our objections to the council’s plan to earmark the Coalyard as a waste processing facility and on pressing for a permanent solution … Read more