Here you will find the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan (HSNP) documents – produced by local residents after extensive community engagement . Part One will be subject to referendum (9 Feb ’24). Our Plan covers the same period as the BHCC City Plan (up to 2030). It develops and elaborates further the strategic framework established by the City Plan for the future development of the Designated Area and will sit alongside the City Plan as the statutory plan for the area. The Neighbourhood Plan is seen by the Forum as providing the policy context for the Hove Station Area Master Plan for the area.
Do neighbourhood plans have to be evidence based and deliverable?
Yes, neighbourhood plans must have appropriate regard to national policy, including the National Planning Policy Framework and any evidence requirements set out in this. The Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum is abiding by the legal requirements and we are collecting appropriate, proportionate and up-to-date evidence to support our policies. We’re also reaching out to the community to gather feedback through workshops and … Read more