Communication & Community
Articles about ‘Have Your Say Days’ and other public meetings and engagement with the community and key stakeholders in Hove.
Vote “YES” in the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum to have your say about skyscrapers near Hove Station and get community funding
A vital local referendum is being held on February 9th which will give Hove residents the chance to to influence the development of new buildings and infrastructure in the area, including new flats slated for three more prominent sites in the area. Polling cards have already been sent out, and locals need to vote YES to ensure their opinions are heard – and taken into account – by the developers and the council.
Vote YES to get funding for local infrastructure
Critically, by voting YES, the council will be legally required to allocate 25% of developer contributions (CIL) from these future projects, to be invested in improvements to existing local amenities – parks, pavements, roads, shopping areas etc. This will run into hundreds of thousands of pounds in the next few years.
Hove Station Quarter Newsletter January 2024
Major developments are going to happen whether we like them or not, they are ultimately government imposed, but it’s Hove residents with a lot at stake.
A ‘YES’ vote on February 9th ensures the Council legally has to consider the Neighbourhood Plan when
making planning decisions – this is our one-off opportunity, don’t miss it.
The newsletter also describes the importance of two key community hubs, and the development pipeline.
Print off the PDF, or read more here
Hove Station Quarter Briefing 1 (March 2023) & 9th Have Your Say Day at Honeycroft
Have Your Say Day – 1pm-4pm 25th March at the Honeycroft Centre, Sackville Rd. Come along and find out about area plans, and the Referendum.
Council to spend up to £500k improving station footbridge.
From plan-making to community action.
Council recognises Hove Station Quarter.
Why high-rise construction is necessary,
Referendum at the end of our long journey.
Help us define a new identity for Hove Station Quarter
The area around Hove Station is fundamentally changing, in terms of inhabitants, skyline, streetscape, housing, commerce and transport. We’ve created a logo to help ensure the regeneration stays true to the vision. The logo will be used on maps, brochures, newsletters, and official documents. Here are the final two options. Tell us what you think in the comments below..
Annual General Meeting at Ralli Hall, 31st January 2023 7.30pm
Members are invited to what is likely to be our last annual general meeting before the Neighbourhood Plan goes to referendum. As well as reviewing the achievements of the past year and electing new officers, there will also be presentations by developers (MODA, Watkins Jones) and city planners (Head of Planning, Brighton & Hove City Council). They will be followed by an open discussion about the development of the Hove Station Quarter. The meeting will end by 9.00pm.
Video: Why Hove Station needs a Neighbourhood Plan
The Hove Station area is undergoing massive change. We are a group of local people who have volunteered to create a Neighbourhood Plan – to ensure the whole community can benefit from this new development.
Regulation 16 Consultation with amendments
The Neighbourhood Forum has now submitted the amended Basic Conditions Statement to the council, and they have published the revised document for comment.
In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 (as amended), the Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents will go out to consultation from 00.00 on Thurs 3 November 2022 for 6 weeks until 23:59 on Thurs 15 December 2022.
Online petition for the council to rescind permission for TK Maxx Sunday deliveries
October 2021
Dear residents living near the Goldstone Retail Park.
As you may be aware, TK Maxx have started taking deliveries early on Sunday mornings.
For neighbouring residents, this is a major problem, affecting sleep, health and wellbeing. Deliveries involve loud, metal-on-metal sounds, amplified by the echo effects of the warehouse walls.
Until now, Sundays have been the only day of the week, free from these deliveries.
The council planning department have given TK Maxx the green light for Sunday deliveries without any planning application or any consultation with the local residents.
We object to this change and we will demonstrate our opposition to the council.
You can register your objection by signing the petition at:
AGM Thu 8th July 2021 at 6:30 pm (with corrected Zoom link)
Join meeting:
Agenda Summary:
Special General Meeting to amend quorum for committee,
Minutes of previous AGM,
Chairman’s Annual Report,
Treasurer’s report and financial statement,
Election of Officers and Committee Members,
Download Full Details here:
AGM Minutes 8th July 2021:
Lidl delivery times in the Goldstone Retail Park
Lidl are opening a new store in the Goldstone Retail Park in Spring 2021. Local residents are objecting to proposed delivery times (planning ref: BH2021/00282) and the precedent it would set for neighbouring retailers and any future businesses here.
Draft Plan ready for Public Consultation – Have Your Say: 23 March – 11 May 2019
The official Regulation 14 Draft of our Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan is now on our website, plus Hove Town Hall, Hove Public Library Honeycroft and Valance Community Centre – have your say..
Have Your Say Day Invite 23 March 2019
We are now in the final stages of preparing your Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan and the regeneration of the Hove Station Area is gathering momentum. Come to Honeycroft and have your say about the latest draft of your community-led plan. Let’s ensure the whole is greater than the sum of its parts! Exhibition and handouts of our latest draft policies … Read more
Annual General Meeting 2019 – Feb 28
After five years hard work we are now in the final stages of developing the Neighbourhood Plan which is focused on establishing a new Hove Station Quarter. At our AGM in Rallli Hall (see location map below) on February 28th 2019, we will launch the legally required six weeks consultation on our Draft Neighbourhood Plan to members. The AGM is … Read more
How many Neighbourhood Plans get voted in / approved?
Out of 52 published referendums, the average ‘Yes’ vote was 88%, with an average turnout of 32%, slightly above local election turnouts.