delivery truck

Online petition for the council to rescind permission for TK Maxx Sunday deliveries

October 2021

Dear residents living near the Goldstone Retail Park.

As you may be aware, TK Maxx have started taking deliveries early on Sunday mornings.

For neighbouring residents, this is a major problem, affecting sleep, health and wellbeing. Deliveries involve loud, metal-on-metal sounds, amplified by the echo effects of the warehouse walls. 

Until now, Sundays have been the only day of the week, free from these deliveries. 

The council planning department have given TK Maxx the green light for Sunday deliveries without any planning application or any consultation with the local residents.

We object to this change and we will demonstrate our opposition to the council.

You can register your objection by signing the petition at:


A new petition regarding St Agnes Church – Natural Fit Gym, Newtown Road.

The developer of St Agnes church, Newtown Road, has started building a balcony on the 1st floor of the church and plans to put exterior neon lights on the outside of St Agnes Church, which is being developed into Natural Fit Gym. In addition to this the club has already obtained a license to serve alcohol. The petition author believes this is an illegal development.

Three houses on Fonthill Road are as close as 4m from this balcony, it gives direct line of sight into living room, bedroom and bathroom and overlooks the garden of all 3 properties.

See the full petition here:

AGM Thu 8th July 2021 at 6:30 pm (with corrected Zoom link)

AGM Thu 8th July 2021 at 6:30 pm (with corrected Zoom link)

Join meeting:

Agenda Summary:
Special General Meeting to amend quorum for committee,
Minutes of previous AGM,
Chairman’s Annual Report,
Treasurer’s report and financial statement,
Election of Officers and Committee Members,

Download Full Details here:

AGM Minutes 8th July 2021:

Our Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to the council. Consultation period runs until 15 July

Our Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to the council. Consultation period runs until 15 July

Letter from Robert Davidson (Principal Planning Officer, Policy, Projects and Heritage)

Dear Consultee,

Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation

Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum has prepared a Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan sets out a vision for the future of the Hove Station Neighbourhood Area and includes planning policies which will be used to help determine planning applications locally. The Neighbourhood Forum previously undertook Regulation 14 public consultation on the draft Plan in 2019.

Read more

bus depot office before after

Hove bus garage would be replaced with a ‘high quality’ building if permission granted

Brighton & Hove Buses want to redevelop its office and garage building in Conway Street, on the west corner of Fonthill Road (see map below). The proposals were developed while considering the “wider masterplan aspirations” for the area. Designs include artwork on a community wall and green fencing. The planning application can be found on the council website at by searching for BH2021/01731.

Read more