Questions about the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan boundary

UPDATE: The final boundary has since been designated by the council. There are two neighbourhood Plan areas around DA6. Our Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum area is shown in purple.

Initial Boundary Consultation – 2014

Questions about the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan boundary
  • The Plan has to have a boundary which defines the ‘designated area’
  • The red area marked on this map is where we leafleted for this Have Your Say Day
  • It covers the five neighbourhoods which are immediately adjacent to Hove Station DA6
  • The city planners tell us there are
    – over 6000 addresses in this area
    – probably 10 -12,000  residents

Is this area Too big ?
Some people have told us that they are only really interested in the streets very close to where they live
This might point to the Forum working through street-groups in the 5 sub-areas shown on the map

Is this area Too small?
Others suggest that the Plan should reach south to the seafront and/or over the Old Shoreham Road to reach as far as the Park and the Co-op
We have to think how we could involve maybe 15 – 20,000 people in developing the Plan because it has to be approved by a majority in a Referendum in which all residents in the Plan Area can vote.

We can involve people from a wider area through working in partnership with other voluntary and community organisations, including those working Hove-wide, and with the city planners

Is this area about right ?
The area on the map would need some tweaking. One issue is the western boundary in Poet’s corner

How do we decide?
Through a process of discussion and debate, informed by

  • research into experience of Neighbourhood Forums in other cities
  • developing options with the pro’s and con’s; and
  • a growing understanding of what the Neighbourhood Plan is for and what it might be able to achieve
  • increasing the membership and formalising the constitution of the Forum, as it will be the Forum which will eventually make the decision.

Where do we go from here ?

The feedback from this first Have Your Say Day will be discussed at the next Forum meeting on Tuesday 19th February at the Goldstone Social Club 16-18 Shirley Street  – all welcome

Then the Forum will work with local community organisations, our partners and the city planners to identify options for the Plan Area

This issue will be the focus of  the next Have Your Say day in March

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