bus depot office before after

Hove bus garage would be replaced with a ‘high quality’ building if permission granted

Brighton & Hove Buses want to redevelop its office and garage building in Conway Street, on the west corner of Fonthill Road (see map below). The proposals were developed while considering the “wider masterplan aspirations” for the area. Designs include artwork on a community wall and green fencing. The planning application can be found on the council website at planningapps.brighton-hove.gov.uk by searching for BH2021/01731.

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tall buildings policy in hove Ethel Clarendon Livingstone

Policy 9: Tall buildings

Building heights in DA6 will be consistent with the Neighbourhood Plan vision of a high-density station quarter of an urban character compliant with City Plan Policy CP12, the accompanying Urban Design Framework SPD and Hove Station Area Masterplan. New tall buildings should have regard to and respect existing buildings and planning permissions already granted, taking account in particular of the … Read more

Help us to Develop Community Hubs in Hove

Help us to Develop Community Hubs in Hove

It is proposed that the Neighbourhood Plan will include a policy for the development of Community Hubs and some sketch schemes to show how these locations can be improved. Several Community Hub Improvement Groups have been meeting to share ideas, develop these schemes and negotiate with developers as they prepare their planning applications to agree public benefit improvements. If you’d like to get involved in these neighbourhood improvement schemes, please visit our next Have Your Say Day or send us an email.

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Hove station bridge

Hove Station footbridge improvement petition February 2016

We’re asking everyone to sign the online petition “Hove Station footbridge improvement“.

​The Hove Station Bridge is continuing to deteriorate. It is unsightly and not effectively cleaned. The absence of lifts makes access to the station from the north side of the railway extremely difficult for people with disabilities and makes using the bridge difficult for people with young children and people carrying heavy luggage or shopping.   ​

​Members​ and supporters of ​the ​Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum and local residents urge the Brighton and Hove Council to ​:​

  • improve the standard of cleanliness of the footbridge
  • identify and implement any short term measures which will improve the appearance of the footbridge
  • establish the most appropriate longer term action needed – either major refurbishment or replacement with lift provision
  • secure funding from a combination public sector sources and the developer contributions generated by successive major redevelopment projects which will be starting in the vicinity of the bridge next year.

​We launched this petition at our Have Your Say event in November last year and now we are launching it on the 38degrees website.

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hove parking problems congestion issues

The Issues

Planning Problems:

The local population is growing much faster than regional and national averages. Our members tell us housing provision is a major issue. The lack of health services and school places also needs to be addressed. Furthermore, the area is severed by a railway line with poor crossings between north and south.

We want to avoid uncoordinated, piecemeal, project-by-project redevelopment that would exacerbate problems with parking and congestion. We want development that does not clash with the conservation areas and heritage architecture (Poet’s Corner, etc).

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Report 2

Hove Station Area – Visual Surveys

In 2016, students from The University of Brighton surveyed Hove Station and surrounding areas – revealing interesting insights  – to inform our neighbourhood plan. Click below to download the full reports in PDF Format (caution: large file sizes). Survey 1: This report is a study of  Hove Stati?on, it uses this small area to look at these larger questi?ons of … Read more


‘Have Your Say’ Day 2013 – Resident Feedback

On 16th February 2013 the Forum held its first ‘Have Your Say’ day at the Honeycroft Centre on Sackville Road. The event was held to share information with the local community on the development plans for the area and explain how a Neighbourhood Forum can influence local planning decisions. We gathered incredibly valuable community feedback at the event (see the data below). 57 residents completed a questionnaire.  45 of those residents provided their name and contact details, signing up to participate in or be kept up-to-date on the Forum’s activities.

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